Sunday, February 28, 2016

beautyzone|Get Ride Of Acne Scars Quickly

How To Prevent And Get Rid Of Acne Scars Quickly


 Acne is not only painful but also embarrassing. It is characterized by red pimples which usually occur on the face chiefly on teenagers. Even more embarrassing are the scars and pimple marks that are left behind after the pimples have healed. The scars will always remind you of the pain you went through when you were battling these pimples.
However, it is worth noting that most of these scars will fade away in a few months. These acne scars and pimple marks should not make you feel helpless as there are a few things that you can do to remove them and therefore preventing further hyper pigmentation.

It is advisable that you know your skin types to make it easier for you to choose the best treatment option for your acne scars.

Home Remedies For Acne Scars Fast Removal

Lemon Juice  It has been established that lemon juice has bleaching properties and therefore can help to lighten the scars. Take lemon juice and combine it with an equal volume of water and then apply the solution directly on these scars. You are advised against applying the solution to the rest of the skin that is not affected by the scars. Leave the lemon juice on the scars for about 20 minutes before cleaning it up. Do not forget to moisturize your skin after washing the juice. Lime juice can also be used in place of lemon juice.

Use Baking Soda For Exfoliation When baking soda is used to exfoliate your skin, it plays an important role in lightening the scars. Take one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with two teaspoons of water to form a paste.
Apply the paste on your face and gently rub it in circular motions. Make sure that you take more emphasis on the areas that have the scars. After rubbing your face for two minutes, cleanse your face with clean water.

Honey Honey can be used to treat conditions including acne and red pimples. It is an effective antibacterial natural product that helps to reduce inflammation and also smooth the skin. Use raw honey to get rid of acne scars. Honey is probably the best treatment option even to people who have sensitive skins.


Aloe Vera The sap of Aloe Vera can be used to treat many conditions including red pimples, burns, and wounds and so on. It is a natural moisturizer that helps to rejuvenate your skin. Using Aloe Vera sap will hasten the healing process of your acne scars. Apply the sap directly on the scars.

Ice cubes Ice cubes will sooth your inflamed skin and also reduces the redness. Wrap an ice cube with a clean piece of cloth and hold it right against acne scars for about two minutes.

Medical Treatment For Acne Scars


Cortisone Creams- These creams helps to are effective in reducing inflammation  and also promoting speedy healing of the scars. Your doctor should be able to guide you on what cortisone cream is best for your skin type. They are available both as prescription as well as over the counter forms. Ensure that you apply the cream only on the affected skin.

Skin Lightening Creams- There are a good number of over the counter creams that you can buy. These lightening products contains ingredients such as mulberry extracts, vitamin C, licorice extracts, arbutin and kojic acid. They can help to fade skin hyperpigmentation that is as a result of the acne scars.
Most of these creams will not cause any form of irritation or skin damage. Avoid lightening products that have hydroquinone as one of the ingredients. If you have a dark skin, using skin lightening creams may not be a good idea as your skin may lose its capability to manufacture melanin thereby leaving a blemish on your skin

Chemical Peeling And Microdermabrasion- These treatment options are harsh on your skin and it will take some time to heal. However, these methods are preferred especially if the lotions and creams are not working. In chemical peeling, a concentrated acid is applied on the skin  where it eats away the top layer of your skin. This allows for the formation of a new skin layer that is free from scars. In microdermabrasion, the skin is exfoliated using a wire brush.

Taking Good Care Of Your Skin


Protect Your Skin From Direct Sunlight- Ultra violet rays are likely to worsen the appearance of your acne scars. If you are spending much time on the sun, you are advised to wear a sunscreen or wide hat that will create a shadow on your face.

Gentle Skincare Products- Some people get desperate in their process to get rid of these scars. They therefore tend to use harsh and lousy products  that could damage your skin further. If you realize that your skin is reacting to a particular skin product, you should stop using the product immediately. Also avoid using hot water, rough facecloths, loofahs and rough sponges.

Regular Exfoliation- Exfoliating your skin helps to remove dead skin thereby exposing new and fresh skin layer. Considering the fact that acne mostly affects the top layer of the skin, exfoliation will speed up the process of scar fading.

Stop Picking The Red Spots And Scars- Although you will be tempted to pick these scars and red spots, you should resist the temptation all the time. Picking them will definitely worsen their appearance. Picking the red spots will result in scars that would otherwise have been avoided.

Eat a Balanced Diet And Drink Plenty Of Clean Water- Staying healthy and hydrated will give your body the necessary ammunition required to fight these scars. Water helps your body get rid of toxins.

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