Tuesday, February 9, 2016

beautyzone|beauty facts of lemon

8 Beauty facts of lemon

 Just note that getting the kind of lemon juice that you cook with will typically have all sorts of bizarre additives like preservatives. Make sure to go with freshly squeezed lemon juice from actual lemons or try to find a 100 percent pure lemon juice from an organic foods seller. Below is your guide to using natural lemon juice for beauty.


Lighten Skin

The citric acid and vitamin C in lemons can help add a lighter appearance to skin. Lemons have also been reputed to boost collagen production, and the antioxidants are great at protecting and repairing skin. You can use lemon juice on dark spots, age marks or even to get rid of bad tans.
 simply apply the lemon juice to the affected area using a cotton ball, and leave on ideally overnight. Repeat until you see the desired effect. It will take several applications, at least, to see significant lightening.

Treat Acne

Lemons are a popular home remedy to treat some of the more mild forms of acne. Since they’re antibacterial and great at sopping up excess oil, you can certainly try them as part of an acne treatment regimen. Simply apply lemon juice to your skin like you would a toner, and leave it on for about five minutes. Then rinse.
You can also combine lemons with raw honey for added moisturizing and acne-fighting properties. Honey has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Create an equal parts honey to lemon juice mixture and let it sit on the troubled areas for five minutes, and then rinse.

Whiten Teeth

Because of their bleaching qualities, lemons are also great at whitening teeth, though they require baking soda as a bleaching and exfoliating booster. Add lemon juice to baking soda until it forms a paste. Apply the mixture to your teeth, and then scrub your teeth with a toothbrush or your finger for a minute or so. Then rinse.

Reduce Shine

Lemon juice is great a sopping up excess oil, too. Just apply it to your skin like you would a toner, leave for 1-5 minutes (or a bit longer, depending on how oily your skin is) and then rinse off. The lemons will leave your skin refreshed and firm, and your pores will look tighter.

Exfoliate Lips

Yes, lemons can even exfoliate your lips. To get brighter, smoother lips, put some lemon juice on your lips before bed and rinse it off in the morning. That will get rid of dead skin cells. Only do this if you don’t have dry or chapped lips, of course.

Lighten Hair

Lemon juice is one of those infamous DIY hair-lightening agents, and this happens to be one of the most popular beauty uses for lemons. Apply the lemon juice to your hair, saturating completely or applying to individual strands for a highlighted look. Sit in the sun for a half hour to an hour. Repeat until you see the desired effect. Make sure to deep condition and use a quality daily conditioner while you’re doing this. Lemon juice and sun exposure can be very drying for the hair.

Brighten Nails

Lemon juice can also brighten nails by getting rid of any residue, thanks to its natural acids. Just combine one part lemon juice to three parts olive or coconut oil. Leave the mixture on your nails for 30 minutes or so, and then rinse. Do this twice per day until you see brighter nails. The oil will also hydrate the cuticle beds and cut back on hangnails.

Exfoliate Rough Elbows

Dark, rough elbows are the worst. Get rid of them by combining lemon juice with baking soda until you have a paste. Scrub your elbows and rinse. That will exfoliate the dead skin cells, and the lemon juice will help lighten the skin. Then add lemon juice to the area for more lightening effects, if needed, and leave on for a few minutes. Then rinse. Make sure to finish off with a moisturizer to prevent rough elbows in the first place.

By using this tips regularly one day you may find best result.stay health and be beauty

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