Sunday, February 28, 2016

beautyzone|Get Ride Of Acne Scars Quickly

How To Prevent And Get Rid Of Acne Scars Quickly


 Acne is not only painful but also embarrassing. It is characterized by red pimples which usually occur on the face chiefly on teenagers. Even more embarrassing are the scars and pimple marks that are left behind after the pimples have healed. The scars will always remind you of the pain you went through when you were battling these pimples.
However, it is worth noting that most of these scars will fade away in a few months. These acne scars and pimple marks should not make you feel helpless as there are a few things that you can do to remove them and therefore preventing further hyper pigmentation.

It is advisable that you know your skin types to make it easier for you to choose the best treatment option for your acne scars.

Home Remedies For Acne Scars Fast Removal

Lemon Juice  It has been established that lemon juice has bleaching properties and therefore can help to lighten the scars. Take lemon juice and combine it with an equal volume of water and then apply the solution directly on these scars. You are advised against applying the solution to the rest of the skin that is not affected by the scars. Leave the lemon juice on the scars for about 20 minutes before cleaning it up. Do not forget to moisturize your skin after washing the juice. Lime juice can also be used in place of lemon juice.

Use Baking Soda For Exfoliation When baking soda is used to exfoliate your skin, it plays an important role in lightening the scars. Take one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with two teaspoons of water to form a paste.
Apply the paste on your face and gently rub it in circular motions. Make sure that you take more emphasis on the areas that have the scars. After rubbing your face for two minutes, cleanse your face with clean water.

Honey Honey can be used to treat conditions including acne and red pimples. It is an effective antibacterial natural product that helps to reduce inflammation and also smooth the skin. Use raw honey to get rid of acne scars. Honey is probably the best treatment option even to people who have sensitive skins.


Aloe Vera The sap of Aloe Vera can be used to treat many conditions including red pimples, burns, and wounds and so on. It is a natural moisturizer that helps to rejuvenate your skin. Using Aloe Vera sap will hasten the healing process of your acne scars. Apply the sap directly on the scars.

Ice cubes Ice cubes will sooth your inflamed skin and also reduces the redness. Wrap an ice cube with a clean piece of cloth and hold it right against acne scars for about two minutes.

Medical Treatment For Acne Scars


Cortisone Creams- These creams helps to are effective in reducing inflammation  and also promoting speedy healing of the scars. Your doctor should be able to guide you on what cortisone cream is best for your skin type. They are available both as prescription as well as over the counter forms. Ensure that you apply the cream only on the affected skin.

Skin Lightening Creams- There are a good number of over the counter creams that you can buy. These lightening products contains ingredients such as mulberry extracts, vitamin C, licorice extracts, arbutin and kojic acid. They can help to fade skin hyperpigmentation that is as a result of the acne scars.
Most of these creams will not cause any form of irritation or skin damage. Avoid lightening products that have hydroquinone as one of the ingredients. If you have a dark skin, using skin lightening creams may not be a good idea as your skin may lose its capability to manufacture melanin thereby leaving a blemish on your skin

Chemical Peeling And Microdermabrasion- These treatment options are harsh on your skin and it will take some time to heal. However, these methods are preferred especially if the lotions and creams are not working. In chemical peeling, a concentrated acid is applied on the skin  where it eats away the top layer of your skin. This allows for the formation of a new skin layer that is free from scars. In microdermabrasion, the skin is exfoliated using a wire brush.

Taking Good Care Of Your Skin


Protect Your Skin From Direct Sunlight- Ultra violet rays are likely to worsen the appearance of your acne scars. If you are spending much time on the sun, you are advised to wear a sunscreen or wide hat that will create a shadow on your face.

Gentle Skincare Products- Some people get desperate in their process to get rid of these scars. They therefore tend to use harsh and lousy products  that could damage your skin further. If you realize that your skin is reacting to a particular skin product, you should stop using the product immediately. Also avoid using hot water, rough facecloths, loofahs and rough sponges.

Regular Exfoliation- Exfoliating your skin helps to remove dead skin thereby exposing new and fresh skin layer. Considering the fact that acne mostly affects the top layer of the skin, exfoliation will speed up the process of scar fading.

Stop Picking The Red Spots And Scars- Although you will be tempted to pick these scars and red spots, you should resist the temptation all the time. Picking them will definitely worsen their appearance. Picking the red spots will result in scars that would otherwise have been avoided.

Eat a Balanced Diet And Drink Plenty Of Clean Water- Staying healthy and hydrated will give your body the necessary ammunition required to fight these scars. Water helps your body get rid of toxins.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sbeautyzone|Glowing Skin in Only One Day

How to Get Glowing Skin in Only One Day


The skin is one of the most important parts of our body. It protects us from the elements and pollution.

Skin must cope with strain from both external and internal sources: The environment can be harsh, and the foods we eat may not always support healthy skin.

We all want to look our best, but it can be challenging in our hectic world to protect our skin as it protects us.

Factors That Damage Your Skin

Our skin endures attacks from the outside world all the time. Our job is to help our skin handle the challenges of modern life. Examples include:
  • Harmful vehicle and factory smoke that contains methane, sulphur, and other substances. These chemicals get onto our skin and penetrate deep into skin cells. This can lead to black spots and pimples.
  • Decreasing ozone, allowing ultraviolet rays from the sun into our environment with greater force. These ultraviolet rays are very harmful to our skin, creating skin damage and uneven pigmentation.

Some Commercial Products Can Be Damaging

 A number of skin creams on the market claim to make the skin glow in one or two weeks. However, continuous use of these over-the-counter products can be very harmful. It is common for certain products to cause a bad reaction: black spots, blemishes, and even a rash.


Home Remedies for Tired, Damaged Skin 

Rose water has a deep cleansing property. Before going to bed at night, combine equal amounts of rose water and raw milk. Apply to your face and leave on overnight. Your skin will be very bright and glowing in the morning.
  • In India's past, our forefathers used to eat fennel seed after meals. It has a digestive property and also cleans the blood, which helps make skin glow.
  • Flax seed oil cleanse the skin, remove acne, rashes and marks.It cures pigmentation.For more skin uses, you can see top 7 flax seeds heath benefits for Hair,Skin

Aloe Vera: A Natural Way to Invigorate Your Skin

Aloe vera is beneficial for many ailments, particularly skin infections and diseases. Take one aloe leaf and extract its pulp (or purchase aloe vera gel ), apply it to your face, and leave on for 15-30 minutes. Aloe vera has moisturizing and anti-bacterial properties to heal and protect the skin.


Healthy Skin from Within

The most important way to support glowing skin is to eat a balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals, protein, and carbohydrates. Exercise daily and drink lots of water. Water removes all of the toxic chemicals from our bodies and helps prevent all types of skin ailments. Drinking plenty of water will also help prevent dry, flaky skin.Experts recommend eight full glasses each day.
  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Regular intake of fruits and vegetables dramatically improves the skin's health. Vitamin C-rich fruits such as guava and papaya are especially beneficial as they strengthen skin cells.
  • Drinking fruit juice is not as effective as eating whole fruit.


Fruit Acid Skin Peels

Fruits with high amounts of acid can make excellent facial treatments. Choose an acidic fruit (examples listed below) and follow the instructions in the video to make a wonderful (and nice-smelling) facial peel.
  • citrus fruit including lemons, oranges, and grapefruits
  • kiwi
  • kumquat
  • pomegranate
  • tomato
  • pineapple

Saturday, February 20, 2016

beautyzone|fruit facial for all skin types

How To Do Fruit Facial At Home

 Fruits are always great for your skin. Whether you make a dessert out of it or use it in your beauty recipe, fruits offer wonderful benefits to your skin and to your health. No doubt that fruit facials too are very popular among women these days and today, I am going to talk about a few aspects of fruit facials. As you can understand, like many of my other articles that have been posted here, this one too is a product of my research. If you want to know more about the various aspects of a Fruit Facial.


Fruit Facial – How To Do It?
Normally, a fruit facial kit contains a fruit-based cleanser, fruit scrub, fruit massage gel/cream or both, fruit face pack and a fruit-based moisturizing/anti-tanning/anti-aging formula. You start by cleaning your skin and then exfoliating it mildly and then you go for a facial massage, application of pack and then follow up with a skin care lotion. It is done best at a salon of your choice. At the same time, you can choose to invest in a fruit facial kit available so easily in the market and get it done at the comfort of your home.
Homemade Fruit Facial Ideas:
I prefer a homemade fruit facial and trust me, if it is about something as readily available as fruits, I am just not ready to invest in a packaged kit, which will contain many preservatives and chemicals apart from the much-desired fruit extracts. I hope you would like to go through some of these ideas which I am going to share now:

  • Cleanse – Mix lime juice with raw milk and a pinch of salt. Soak a cotton ball in this lotion and deep-cleanse your skin by rubbing the cotton against your face in an upward circular motion. Do this for a couple of minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Exfoliate – Now it is time for scrubbing your face with your favorite fruit scrub. Depending upon the season, you may choose to have seasonal fruit-based scrubs like orange scrub, watermelon scrub or papaya scrub. You may also like to use a lemon scrub if your have an oily face or bananas scrub for dry skin. Know more about these fruit scrub recipes in the article 
Massage – Mash some banana, strawberry or some papaya. Mix it up with a spoon of milk and some honey. If you have oily and acne-prone skin, you may like to skip the milk and use lemon juice instead. Blend it to get a creamy mixture and use it to massage your face gently. Wipe it away.

 Face pack – Now make your favorite face pack depending upon your skin type and based on your skin needs. For instance, if you want to get rid of tan, prepare a cucumber juice-lemon juice solution or a yogurt-lemon pack. If you want to get a glowing face, mix orange juice with milk and a few drops of honey and use as a pack. If you want to treat excess oily secretion and pimples, make a pack by mixing multani mitti with mashed cucumber and rose water. Just be creative to use your favorite fruit according to your skin needs.

 Skin is the most sensitive body part and it not only needs care but also some pamper. Here we are presenting some Fruit Facial to pamper your skin. These all are very unique of their own kind and you had never heard before. There are thousands and thousands of benefits to apply fruit facials now it is up to you that how would you use them. Remember! It is always good to apply facials in morning as your skin is fresh and can grasp all the changes immediately. But, it does not mean that if you do not have time in morning then you leave applying facials. Definitely you can do it any time but what ii meant there was, is just the preference.

Watermelon Facial:

For getting soft and smooth skin you can make and apply water melon facial. It is an amazing fruit which can dehydrate your skin and give a soften effect to it. Procedure is quiet simple all you need to do is cut watermelon and take out its pulp; obviously you don’t need the whole pulp for your face. Just take out half a cup or less use common sense while doing such things at home. Because use of such fruits is very easy in home grind this half cup in blend. Now apply this pulp on your face and leave your face for about half an hour.

Papaya Facial:

Just like water melon the use of papaya is quiet simple and easy. You do not need to make hard effort just peel papaya and make the paste unlike water melon it is very soft so you can make paste with the help of spoon rather than using blender. Now apply this paste on your face and leave it for about half an hour. This will help your skin tightening and make it look young and fresh then before.

Banana Facial:

Banana is an amazing fruit with a lot of benefits, it is not only good for your body when you eat but also its facial can do wonders with your skin. Just give it a try and you will see how miraculous it is. Take a banana and make it a paste form then apply on your face and leave it for fifteen minutes and then wash it after 15 minutes.

Fruit Facial Mask

Cosmetic company are now using fruit acids (AHAI’s), vitamins (antioxidants) and enzymes in many beauty products but also include a large amount of synthetics which can actually be injurious to the skin. In organic beauty, only fresh ingredients are used and therefore a highly active and most effective cure can be given. You will be amazed at how something as simple as dabbing some fresh lemon juice on your face every morning can make an vast difference in how soft your skin feels.
Try any of the following fruit acids, but always take care to avoid your eyes.
→ Lemon juice
 Malic acid (apples, vinegar, applesauce, cider)
 Lactic acid (buttermilk, yogurt, powdered skim milk, sour cream, blackberries, tomatoes)
→ Tartaric acid (grapes, grape juice, wine, cream of tartar)
 Citric acid (citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, grapefruit, and orange)
 Glycolic acid (sugar cane)
We all are aware of the fact that fresh fruits are good for health and the core vitamin and the mineral lies in the pulp and the skin of any fruit. And just as they are useful to the body, these nutrients can provide excellent rejuvenating factor for our skin too. If you know the properties of each fruit, you can pamper yourself with an all-natural fruit mask, without spending too much time or money.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

beautyzone|skincare tips for summer

Top 10 – Skincare tips for the summer

 As the summer rages on, protect your skin so you don’t have to suffer from the season’s skin problems.

1. Stay hydrated. Your body tends to lose a lot of moisture in the summer, so it’s important to regularly replenish the H2O. Drink a lot of water and liquids and your skin will stay soft and moisturized as well.
2. Sun protection. If you can, try and stay indoors between 11am and 3pm. That’s when the sun’s rays are the strongest and can have an adverse effect on your skin. Also, don’t forget to apply that all-important sunscreen 30 minutes before you step out. If you’ve been out in the sun for a few hours, touch it up again so you’re well protected.

What should you look for when shopping for a sunscreen? find out.
3. Use a toner. It’s important to keep your pores closed and skin cool by using a toner. Look for a brand that suits you or try rose water. Its natural cooling properties make it an excellent toner for the hot season.
4. Go for a water-based moisturizer. Don’t make the mistake of skipping the moisturizing routine altogether as its essential for your skin to remain hydrated. However, if you find your regular moisturizer too oily, go for a water-based one.

5. Ditch those aerated drinks. Most people have the tendency to reach out for an ice cold aerated drink to quench their thirst on a really hot day. However, it’s important to remember that these drinks are full of sugar that is not good for your skin or your figure. Instead drink some water, fresh lime, fresh fruit juices, (green mango drink) or coconut water to stay hydrated. It’s also best to minimise the intake of diuretics like alcohol and caffeine as they reduce the water from your system.

6. Cleanse your face twice a day. At least! This is important to do even if you’ve been home all day and feel like your skin is clean. Cleansing and moisturizing your skin before sleeping is an absolute must.

7. Exfoliate. More than the rest of the year, it’s really important to exfoliate your skin in the summer to remove dead skin and improve blood circulation to the face. Choose from any of the cosmetic scrubs available in the market or make one at home. Try this simple one using 4 to 5 tbsps of gram flour, a pinch of turmeric, 5 – 6 drops of rose water and milk or yogurt. Mix it into a paste and use it to exfoliate your face. Follow it up with a face mask and moisturizer.

8. Don’t like your tan? Gram flour can also be used as a face mask to get rid of an uneven tan. Mix it with yogurt and a few drops of lemon and apply and leave it on your face till it’s dry. The citrus properties of the lemon are very effective in removing the tan.

9. Get that warm, summer glow. Papaya is full of natural goodness and you can even use it as a homemade pack. Just mash 2 tbsp of papaya with a tsp of honey and 1 egg white. Leave the mixture on your face for about 15 minutes and enjoy the glow you get afterwards.

10. Cool your skin. Blending half a cucumber and 1 tbsp of yogurt in the mixer can make another simple and effective homemade face pack. Apply this to your face for 15 minutes and feel completely pampered.
Bonus tip. Eat healthy, exercise and sleep well! The holy trinity of good health and glowing skin holds true for the whole year. So along with all the tips above, don’t forget to eat a balanced diet, work out for at least 45 minutes everyday and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Enjoy the summer!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

beautyzone|make your lips pink naturally

8 Hacks To Make Your Lips Soft And Pink, Naturally


 1. Lemon-honey treatment

One of the best and most revitalizing treatments for your lips is this lemon-honey pack. It not only cleans the lips but also moisturizes them deeply, leaving them clean, soft, and pink. Put equal amount of honey and lemon juice in a bowl and mix them well. Apply this mixture on your lips and leave it on your lips for an hour. Wash it after that and your lips will feel smoother and look pink. This treatment helps you battle the tanning on the lips due to sun exposure. You can do it multiple times a day for quick results.

  2. Glycerin

One of the biggest enemies of our lips is dryness that makes them look darker. To treat this, you need to have some glycerin and cotton. Dip the cotton in the glycerin and apply it on your lips before going to sleep. It will nourish your lips overnight. You will wake up with well moisturized lips and the color will lighten as well.

  3. Beetroot

We all know how good beetroot is for our health but most of us don't know how wonderful it is for our lips. Take a slice of red beetroot and gently massage it on your lips. It will work very effectively and make that tan vanish from your lips. The color of beetroot will also light up your lips. So the next time you sit down to watch your favorite television show, keep a beetroot slice handy.

  4. Cucumber juice

Most people are aware of cucumber's magical skin lightening impact. But guess what - it not only works well on your skin but also on your lips. Applying cucumber juice is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of dark lips. 

  5. Toothbrush exfoliation

If you want to have nice, pink lips, regular exfoliation is required to get rid of the dead skin. One of the simplest ways to do that is using a toothbrush. Take a moist toothbrush and lightly rub it on your lips in circular motion. Be sure to be gentle - you don't want to hurt your lips. Massaging your lips in this way will take off the dead skin and will also stimulate blood flow to the lips, making them soft and pink.

  6. Honey-sugar lip scrub

Exfoliate your lips by making a honey-and-sugar scrub at home. Take some honey and add crystallized sugar to it. Gently massage your lips with this mixture. It not only takes off the dead skin but also moisturizes the lips well. You will find your lips more pink and supple after applying this scrub.

  7. Pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate has some amazing health benefits and its seeds are good for your lips. Just take some pomegranate seeds and crush them. Now add a little cold milk and mix it well to make a paste. Apply this magic paste on your lips and wash it after it is dry. Do it regularly and it will really make your lips naturally pink in a couple of weeks. 

  8. Turmeric-milk paste
Turmeric is one of the key ingredients, which is not only required for cooking but also for natural beauty care. Take some turmeric and add a little milk to it to make a paste. Leave this paste on your lips to dry and wash it off for pink lips. Besides following the above tips, it is also important to take some preventive measures to ensure that your lips stay soft, pink, and healthy. Here are the key things you must follow:

Keep yourself well hydrated - it will help you get those beautiful pink lips. So drink a lot of water. ● Smoking is one of the biggest enemies of your lips and makes them really dark and lifeless. Avoid it for the sake of your health, as well as for the beauty of your lips. ● Too much of tea/coffee is not good for your lips as the caffeine in those beverages causes lips to get darker. ● Eat lots of fruits and vegetable as they provide essential nutrition for your body, skin, and lips too, making them naturally beautiful.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

beautyzone|protect hair from pollution

How To Protect Hair From Pollution

 When we think of the ill effects of pollution, the first thing we want to protect is our skin. But pollution can be equally harmful for the hair which needs equal protection. 

These 10 hair protection tips will show you how to face pollution and fight it too.

  1. Always cover your hair before stepping out into the sun. The outer cuticles of the hair are prone to extensive sun damage and this is one of the main causes for dullness and dryness. You can use this as an excuse to accessorize with a great hat or scarf.
  2. Do not step out with oily or wet hair as these attract dust and dirt particles which will stick to your hair.
  3. Tie your hair close to your head, preferably in a bun. But remember not too tie it too tightly and preferably use cloth scrunchies rather than hair-tugging bands.
  4. Spray a hair sunscreen all over the hair and especially the tips to protect it from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen also helps hair retain its shine and texture.
  5. Take a weekly hair steam preferably after the shampoo; this will open the pores of your scalp and thoroughly rid the hair of any deep rooted polluted particles.
  6. Shampoo and condition your hair regularly to keep it clean from dirt-attracting oiliness. Use a shampoo and conditioner from the same line as these are formulated to solve the same problem.
  7. Take a deep conditioning hair spa once a week to prevent dryness, strengthen hair strands and fill up on extra nutrients which make hair healthy.
  8. Increase your protein intake by adding fish, leafy vegetables, nuts, yogurt and fresh fruits in your diet.
  9. Apply a homemade hair mask made from natural ingredients such as honey, yogurt, strawberry and vinegar. Leave on for half an hour then wash off with lukewarm water.
  10. Enlist the benefits of henna (mehandi) to cleanse your scalp of dirt without hampering its natural balance, unlike chemical based products.
         Now let’s see if pollution has the guts to come anywhere near you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

beautyzone|beauty facts of lemon

8 Beauty facts of lemon

 Just note that getting the kind of lemon juice that you cook with will typically have all sorts of bizarre additives like preservatives. Make sure to go with freshly squeezed lemon juice from actual lemons or try to find a 100 percent pure lemon juice from an organic foods seller. Below is your guide to using natural lemon juice for beauty.


Lighten Skin

The citric acid and vitamin C in lemons can help add a lighter appearance to skin. Lemons have also been reputed to boost collagen production, and the antioxidants are great at protecting and repairing skin. You can use lemon juice on dark spots, age marks or even to get rid of bad tans.
 simply apply the lemon juice to the affected area using a cotton ball, and leave on ideally overnight. Repeat until you see the desired effect. It will take several applications, at least, to see significant lightening.

Treat Acne

Lemons are a popular home remedy to treat some of the more mild forms of acne. Since they’re antibacterial and great at sopping up excess oil, you can certainly try them as part of an acne treatment regimen. Simply apply lemon juice to your skin like you would a toner, and leave it on for about five minutes. Then rinse.
You can also combine lemons with raw honey for added moisturizing and acne-fighting properties. Honey has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Create an equal parts honey to lemon juice mixture and let it sit on the troubled areas for five minutes, and then rinse.

Whiten Teeth

Because of their bleaching qualities, lemons are also great at whitening teeth, though they require baking soda as a bleaching and exfoliating booster. Add lemon juice to baking soda until it forms a paste. Apply the mixture to your teeth, and then scrub your teeth with a toothbrush or your finger for a minute or so. Then rinse.

Reduce Shine

Lemon juice is great a sopping up excess oil, too. Just apply it to your skin like you would a toner, leave for 1-5 minutes (or a bit longer, depending on how oily your skin is) and then rinse off. The lemons will leave your skin refreshed and firm, and your pores will look tighter.

Exfoliate Lips

Yes, lemons can even exfoliate your lips. To get brighter, smoother lips, put some lemon juice on your lips before bed and rinse it off in the morning. That will get rid of dead skin cells. Only do this if you don’t have dry or chapped lips, of course.

Lighten Hair

Lemon juice is one of those infamous DIY hair-lightening agents, and this happens to be one of the most popular beauty uses for lemons. Apply the lemon juice to your hair, saturating completely or applying to individual strands for a highlighted look. Sit in the sun for a half hour to an hour. Repeat until you see the desired effect. Make sure to deep condition and use a quality daily conditioner while you’re doing this. Lemon juice and sun exposure can be very drying for the hair.

Brighten Nails

Lemon juice can also brighten nails by getting rid of any residue, thanks to its natural acids. Just combine one part lemon juice to three parts olive or coconut oil. Leave the mixture on your nails for 30 minutes or so, and then rinse. Do this twice per day until you see brighter nails. The oil will also hydrate the cuticle beds and cut back on hangnails.

Exfoliate Rough Elbows

Dark, rough elbows are the worst. Get rid of them by combining lemon juice with baking soda until you have a paste. Scrub your elbows and rinse. That will exfoliate the dead skin cells, and the lemon juice will help lighten the skin. Then add lemon juice to the area for more lightening effects, if needed, and leave on for a few minutes. Then rinse. Make sure to finish off with a moisturizer to prevent rough elbows in the first place.

By using this tips regularly one day you may find best result.stay health and be beauty

Sunday, February 7, 2016

beautyzone|skin care tips for men

5 easy skin care tips for men


Men’s skin care step 1 – Cleanse

If you can’t find the time to do anything else – cleaning your skin is a must! Don’t worry guys; cleansing is just a fancy word for washing your face. This should be done every morning and every evening before bedtime. Just because you can’t see the dirt and grime on your skin, doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. Think about what you are exposed to on a daily basis: pollution, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, even room deodorizers. All of these little particles can land on your skin and cause damage so they must be washed away. However, this doesn’t mean that you can reach for that withered old bar soap. Ordinary soaps tend to be loaded with detergents and deodorizers and can be very harsh and dehydrating to the skin. A good facial cleanser is what you need. Men tend to have skin that is a bit oilier then women’s so find a cleanser that targets normal to oily skin for the best results. Remember, if you don’t cleanse your skin on a daily basis; the excess grime and oil could leave you with clogged pores and breakouts.

Men’s skin care step 2 – Exfoliate

Men, if you really want to see and feel a difference in your skin this next step is for you. Exfoliation is the process of removing the dead skin cells from the surface to reveal the new skin cells beneath. Think of an exfoliating scrub the same way you would a piece of light grade sandpaper. A few swipes on a jagged piece of wood and voila, you are left with a soft, smooth surface that looks like a brand new piece of wood. Our skin exfoliates naturally but, as we get older ,the process of exfoliation starts to slow down and we need to help it along. Exfoliation can also help clean out the yucky stuff that can get lodged in your pores. Choose an exfoliant that contains scrubby particles to help smooth the skin and eliminate dullness. The bonus of using an exfoliant is that it will also help soften your hair follicles which can result in a closer, less irritating shave. And the best part? This is a product that you only need to use a few times a week.

Men’s skin care step 3 – Moisturize

Moisturizers can make a world of difference in the appearance of a man’s skin. In fact, men tend to need moisturizer even more than most women do. This is because most men shave their faces. Every time you scrape that razor across your skin, you aren’t only removing facial hair but you are also removing necessary oils from your skin. Then what do you do? You probably slap on some alcohol-based aftershave lotion that burns the heck out of your skin. The alcohol then further dehydrates the skin. So what do you need to combat this? Moisturizer! A moisturizer will help to replenish your skin’s moisture content and will help prevent razor burn. Choose a moisturizer that contains SPF to help protect you from ordinary exposure to the sun’s damaging rays. Unprotected sun exposure can lead to pre-mature aging, fine lines, wrinkles and worst of all, skin cancer.

Men’s skin care step 4 – Eyes

One of the very first places we start to notice the signs of aging is around the eyes. And unfortunately, this is the very place that many men tend to neglect. The skin around our eyes lacks in both sweat and oil glands making it highly susceptible to dehydration which can show itself as fine lines and wrinkles. The super soft, very thin layer of skin that surrounds our eyes can develop little expression lines that may grow into unsightly wrinkles quickly. So what should you do? Pick up a hydrating eye cream right away. All you need is a little dab of product under and around each eye to do the trick. It will help hydrate, smooth and protect your skin every day. Apply your eye cream every morning and every evening before bedtime and after cleansing.

Men’s skin care step 5 – Lips

Believe it or not, our lips age drastically with time. Take a look at a picture of yourself when you were a young child. Your lips were plump and there were no lines. Unfortunately, as we age our lips lose collagen and they start to melt right in with the rest of our face. Women can take advantage of lip liners, lip stick and lip glosses but many men draw the line at this! If you look at your lips in the mirror you will see fine lines and wrinkles running in all different directions. Our lips, like the skin around our eyes, also lack in sweat and oil glands. They do not have the same protective layer of skin called the stratum corneum that we have elsewhere on our bodies for added protection. And, because they also lack in melanin they lose that extra protection against the sun’s UV rays. Our lips desperately need our help. Men, grab a lip balm, preferably with SPF and as I always say; apply, apply and reapply throughout the day.
See gentlemen, it’s really that simple! And the best part is that if you incorporate these five simple steps into your daily regimen, you will definitely notice a difference in your appearance. It’s a fuss free way towards healthy, handsome skin.

Friday, February 5, 2016

sbeautyzone|diet for youthful skin

6 Diet Tips for Youthful Skin
 A  beautiful, radiant and glowing skin is every girl's dream. It's easy to achieve it by avoiding sugar as much as possible and by eating products such as olive oil, avocado and macadamia nut oil.

-Cut out the sugar: The less sugar we eat, the better it is. Many natural sweeteners like honey and agave syrup are high in fructose and should also be avoided as should sugary fruits (tropical fruits are the worst), fruit juice and dried fruit. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame should be strictly avoided. Not only are they nasty chemical substances, but they have also been connected to obesity and diabetes.

- Eat more healthy fat: One of the crucial things our body and our skin needs for long-term health is fat. Studies have shown that eating more fat makes our skin more elastic and less wrinkly. The increase in fat consumption has to be done in conjunction with sugar and grain reduction. Monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocado and macadamia nut oil are well-known to be good for us.

- Greatly reduce your grain and starch intake: Most people believe that a diet rich in grains is good for health; whole grains in particular are touted as especially healthy. But starches, the carbohydrates in grains, are simply long strings of sugar molecules and eating them will still make our skin and body age prematurely.

- Eat lots of vegetables: Vegetables will also provide you with plenty of fibre and antioxidants. However, make sure to cut down on starchy vegetables, as they can have a surprisingly strong effect on our blood sugar level. For example roast parsnips can bring up our blood sugar more than pure table sugar. Good fruit options are berries, as they are relatively low in sugar and high in antioxidants.

- Don't forget your daily protein: Protein provides important building blocks for our entire body. However, our body has little capacity to store protein. So, to supply our body and skin with all it needs, we have to provide it with sufficient amounts of protein on a daily basis.

- Spice up your life: Herbs and spices including rosemary, garlic, curcumin and cinnamon are a great addition to any skin health and longevity eating plan. Not only do spices greatly add flavour and variety of our food, but they also contain bioactive substances with positive effects on general health, skin and life span.

keep in diet have  a health life

Thursday, February 4, 2016

beautyzone|latest beauty tips

Beauty tips for skin whitening & face packs for skin lightening

Skin whitening tips

Beauty tips for Fairness
Be it skin, hair or any other body part, taking good care leads to getting good results. Here are few tips for attaining flawless, supple, soft and smooth skin:


Most women around the world are concerned about their looks. They want to look fairer, dazzling and glamorous. An oily skin requires a lot of effort to keep it clean and free of the shine. The good thing about oily skin is that it shows signs of aging slowly than dry skin                                                                                                   


 Fairness tips for oily skin

  • Shahnaz Husain, the beauty and wellness expert in India has given tips for oily skin to controls oil secretion and keep the skin radiant.
  • Harsh cleaners scrape the facial skin of its moisture and make the skin produce more oil than what is lost. Traditional face washes contain harmful chemicals. Shahnaz Husain suggests her clients with oily skin to use homemade natural face wash and cleansers. A face wash of multani mitti or fuller’s earth, sandalwood powder, gram flour, mixed with turmeric powder is better than traditional face washes available in the market.
  • Oily skin has a tendency to shed more dead cells and gets clogged faster than normal to dry skin. Too much scrubbing will, produce more oil hence scrubbing must be done just two or three times a week. In between blotting paper can be used to wipe the oil on the skin
  • Natural scrubs made of dry grinded orange and lemon peel, coarsely ground coffee beans with baking soda will make a better scrub than packaged chemical scrubs.
  • Oily skin can be patted with blotting paper or powder to get rid of the excess oil. Keep repeating the process several times whenever the skin feels oily.
  • Papaya- Pulp of papaya applied on the face gives even fairness. It helps in treating and getting rid of dead skin cells, dandruff and in reducing signs of premature aging.
  • Women with oily skin must avoid make up as far as possible. If it is a must powder based makeup should be used. Powder will soak the excess oil and keep the face matte for a longer period. There are powder foundations, powder blush and eye shadow powder available in the market.
  • Sensitive skin should get glycolic and salicylic acid peel treatments once a month by the dermatologist.
  • Woman with oily skin should not use any kinds of oils or cold creams on the face. This tends to clog the pores and lead to the development of pimples and acne.
  • Daily diet containing proteins, fruits, vegetables beans and nuts are helpful in the production of extra oil in the body. One must avoid or limit the intake of sugar, deep fried foods, alcohol based drinks chocolates and fatty foods.

Beautyzone|latest beauty tips

Tomato, Oatmeal, Yogurt
Tomato + yogurt + oatmeal
This is an amazing remedy. All you got to do is mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with a tablespoon of tomato juice and yogurt each. Mix well until it forms into a thick paste. Later apply this on your face as a mask and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water(you may also apply light and mild skin moisturizer after drying your skin)