Monday, May 23, 2016

beautyzone|9 Amazing Homemade Face Packs for Removing Skin Tan

9 Amazing Homemade Face Packs for Removing Skin Tan


Homemade Face Packs for Removing Skin Tan

 Here are some face packs that you can prepare yourself at home. Remember, as mentioned before, the ingredients you need are all natural, and won’t cause any side effects. That’s certainly good news. You will also be happy to know that most of these ingredients are available easily.

1.    Saffron and Milk Face Pack

Saffron is a common ingredient in Ayurvedic preparations. It has been used for centuries for skin brightening and whitening. Besides, saffron offers plenty of health benefits. For instance, it helps cell formation and repair, works as an antidepressant, minimizes the chance of high blood pressure and heart disease, treats blemishes and acne, and also aids the production of blood cells. Like saffron, milk too offers plenty of benefits. It keeps your bone healthy, helps you beat stress, improves skin complexion, is an excellent cleanser, and shrinks the pores of your skin. So no wonder, a face pack made with saffron and milk is going to be a potent thing. You can easily remove your tan with a pack made with these two.
Get this
  • Four to five tablespoons of warm milk.
  • A few saffron strands.
  • Two to three lime juice drops.
Do this
  • Take the milk in a container and warm it. Heat it up just mildly.
  • Now add just a few drops of lime juice to the milk.
  • Include the saffron strands into your milk and mix it well.
  • You have your pack ready. Now massage this mixture on your face well. The pack should cover your entire face, including the ears and nose as these areas are likely to be tanned too.
  • Keep it on your face for five to ten minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water after this.
  • Apply a moisturizer once you are done.

2.    Cucumber and Tomato Face Pack

Cucumber is good to eat and it’s good for the skin. It fights constipation, provides the body a lot of essential fibers and potassium, fights intestinal worms, reduces inflammation, fights cellulite, treats open pores, reduces the skin’s dark circles, and hydrates the skin. Besides, cucumber is widely used for skin brightening and whitening. Tomatoes on the other hand protects us from free radicals, helps in cell repair, gives us glowing skin, treats open pores and acne, and prevents excessive oil production by the skin glands.
You can cut a slice of tomato and rub it directly on your skin. But you will always get better results if you prepare a face pack with your cucumber and tomato and a few other things. A face pack made with cucumber and tomato will thus definitely work for you.
Get this
  • One tomato.
  • A single cucumber.
  • Two tablespoons of gram flour.
  • One spoon of turmeric.
  • One tablespoon of honey.
  • One single lemon.
  • Half tablespoon of milk curd or milk cream. Go for milk cream if your skin is dry and curd if you have oily skin.
Do this
  • Slice the tomato. You need two slices to prepare this pack.
  • Now grate your tomato and keep it in a bowl.
  • Add the milk cream to this tomato.
  • Add the turmeric.
  • Squeeze the lemon to add three to four drops.
  • Add your honey into the mixture.
  • Include two tablespoons of gram flour.
  • Now mix all these things well to make your pack ready.
  • Apply the pack on your neck and face.
  • Keep it there for 20 minutes and rinse off.

3.    Turmeric and Gram Flour Face Pack

Gram flour is an age-old home remedy from the granny, and for several good reasons. People in India have been using this in their food and applying gram flour on their faces for centuries. However in recent times, it has become popular in the west as well. In fact, many spa and beauty treatments are now using this as a key ingredient. Gram flour or gram flour help you fight several skin problems such as pimples, acne, blemish, dark spots on the skin. It can remove unwanted hair and bring life to dull and lifeless skin. Gram flour is cheap and readily available.
Get this
  • Take two tablespoons of gram flour.
  • One single pinch of turmeric.
  • One tablespoon of crushed orange peel.
  • Milk – one tablespoon.
  • Rose water.
Do this
  • Pour your gram flour into a bowl.
  • Put the turmeric into it.
  • Add a single tablespoon of milk and the crushed orange peel to this.
  • Now include your rose water. Make sure that this water is cold.
  • Mix all these ingredients to create your face pack.
  • Wash your face with a mild soap.
  • Apply the pack on your cleaned face and allow the pack to dry.
  • Keep it for about 20 minutes.
  • Sprinkle rose water on the dried areas.
  • Scrub gently to remove your pack after 20 minutes. You should first scrub clockwise and then anti-clockwise.
Apply this face pack every second day. Your tan will go away quickly. You can add a one tablespoon of yogurt or two drops of lemon for even better results. Lemon or yogurt will deep clean your skin pores.

4.    Tomato, Yogurt and Lemon Juice Face Pack

The mild bleaching effect of yogurt because of its citric property removes your tan efficiently, keeps the blemishes away, and leaves your skin supple and properly moisturized. Tomato juice on the other hand will lighten your skin naturally. Plus, it’s a good astringent. Tomato juice is a natural toner, and so it will shrink open the pores and reduce oil production from the skin glands. This pack will remove pigmentation and the dark spots from any sun tanned skin.
Get this
  • Tomato pulp – two tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice – one tablespoon.
  • A single tablespoon of yogurt.
Do this
  • Pour the tomato pulp into a bowl.
  • Squeeze your lemon to bring out the juice and pour one tablespoon of this into the bowl.
  • Finally, add your yogurt into the mix.
  • Mix well so that you have a thick pack.
  • Now apply this pack on your face and neck and keep it for 30 minutes.
  • Check whether it has dried.
  • Wash it off with some cold water if it has dried after 30 minutes.
  • Rub it gently when you are rinsing off the pack.
  • Apply moisturizer.
Warning – The tomato juice can make you feel itchy in the beginning. But don’t touch this. The itchiness will go away soon enough. Also remember, lemon can make your skin sensitive to the Sun’s rays. So avoid going out into the Sun when you have the pack on your face. In fact, it’s best that you remain indoors for at least a couple of hours after washing off the pack.

5.    Lemon and Aloe Vera Face Pack

Benefits of Aloe Vera on the skin are well known. In fact, Aloe Vera has been used in cosmetics, medicines, and in different herbal concoctions since the times of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt. Many ancient Egyptian documents have recorded the use of Aloe Vera in treating skin conditions and many internal disorders. It works very well in removing the skin tan too.
Actually, it is the gel of Aloe Vera from within its long and succulent leaves that makes it such an amazing plant. The gel contains several beneficial compounds such as mannans, lectins, and polysaccharides among others. It comes packed with many vitamins and minerals. The modern cosmetic industry has been using Aloe Vera to remove dark spots and bring back the skin’s luster for the last few decades.
Try a face pack of Aloe Vera and add some lemon to it. Your tanned look will go away in no time at all.
Get this
  • A little bit of Aloe Vera gel – all you need is two squeezes.
  • Two to three drops of lemon.
Do this
  • Squeeze out the Aloe Vera gel into your palm. You don’t need a bowl to prepare this face pack.
  • Now squeeze your lemon. Be careful because you just require two to three drops maximum.
  • Now use the fingers of your other hand to mix this and prepare your pack.
  • Your pack is ready. Apply this on your face.
  • Keep it for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with some cold water.
Aloe Vera gel is a very good moisturizer itself. So you don’t need to apply a moisturizer after removing this face pack.

6.    Cabbage and Turmeric Anti Tan Face Pack

The health and cleansing abilities of turmeric are well known. But did you know that your cabbage can help you get rid of that tan from the face as well? Yes, it’s a fact that the juice extracted from the everyday cabbage has a lot of phytochemicals and antioxidants and they both can combat the harmful effects of free radicals that cause several skin conditions such as blackheads, acne and pimples. Vitamin C protects your skin from damage. Cabbage juice can also improve the texture and tone of skin. Potassium gives your skin fair complexion. Vitamin A and E makes your skin supple, soft and bright.
Get this
  • A portion of one raw cabbage.
  • One tablespoon of honey.
  • One pinch of turmeric.
  • You will need a binding medium such as rice flour or gram flour. One tablespoon is enough.
Do this
  • Cut your raw cabbage into four pieces. You just need one portion to prepare this face pack.
  • Now grate this portion into very small pieces.
  • Squeeze the lemon and collect a couple of drops into a small container.
  • Add the honey.
  • Now add the binding agent to this container.
  • Mix well to prepare your paste.
  • Apply the pack on your neck and face and keep it for 20-25 minutes.
  • Rinse off with some cold water.
  • Apply moisturizer.

7.    Sugar and Lemon Face Pack

Sugar is a very good cleansing agent and so it will surely remove the skin tan from your face. Prepare a face pack with sugar and see the difference it makes. Almost anyone can prepare this great face pack. Add some lemon to this. You will have even better and quicker results.
Get this
  • White granulated sugar – one tablespoon.
  • One single drop of olive oil.
  • Two to three drops of lemon juice.
Do this
  • Pour the white granulated sugar into your palm.
  • Add the olive oil. This will wet your sugar.
  • Now include three drops of lemon juice to this maximum.
  • You can add some glycerin if you have dry skin.
  • Mix this gently to prepare your pack.
  • It is ready to be applied. Apply this on your face with gentle circular motions. Avoid the eyes. Remember, you should not press hard. The sugar will not work if you do.
  • Add one tablespoon of warm water. Your sugar will dissolve if you add more than this.
  • Keep this pack for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool water.
  • Gently pat your face to dry. Use a dry and clean towel.

8.    Oatmeal and Buttermilk Face Pack

Buttermilk and oatmeal make one fine combo for removing the tan. Just try a face pack with these two. You can rarely find a better homemade natural remedy.

Oatmeal has the best amino acid balance among all cereal grains. It has high silica content. It can restore the skin’s natural moisture because of these two properties. Oats are also hypoallergenic and extremely absorptive. They are able to soothe, soften, exfoliate and cleanse all types of skin very efficiently. People used to know the benefits of oatmeal in ancient Rome and Greece. That’s why they used to have oat-baths there. Buttermilk on the other hand heals blisters and cleans up skin color.
Get this
  • Oatmeal – two tablespoons.
  • Buttermilk – three tablespoons.
  • One tablespoon of honey (optional).
Do this
  • Pour the oatmeal into a container.
  • Now add your buttermilk.
  • You can include a tablespoon of honey if you want.
  • Mix well to create your paste.
  • Apply the pack on your face. You can apply this on your arms and legs also.
  • Massage gently in circular motions.
  • Keep it for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Clean it off with cold water.
  • Apply moisturizer.

9.    Potato Pulp or Juice Face Pack

This one is probably the easiest to prepare and apply. Potato pulp and juice are both age-old home remedies that have given wonderful results. This pack removes blemishes, improves the health of the skin, and lightens up the texture. Apply this pack for a week. The tan will definitely go away. Your skin will be nourished from within, thanks to the presence of Vitamin C. Pulp or juice of potato will remove the dark spots and hyperpigmentation naturally and quickly. Dark circles under the eyes will go away.
Get this
  • One small potato
  • One lemon (optional)
Do this
  • Peel the potato and grate it into small pieces.
  • You can then either create a juice or make a smooth pulp. Both work equally well.
  • You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to this if you want.
  • Use a mild soap to properly clean your face.
  • Apply directly over your face slowly.
  • Keep the pack for 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off.
Don’t compromise on your lifestyle. Have a great time in the summer – go on those camping trips, spend hours at the beach, or just laze around in the park. Don’t worry about getting a tan. There are many home remedies that can quickly and efficiently remove skin tan. You will soon get back your original skin color. Try one of the homemade face packs mentioned above. They are all safe and easy to make.

Friday, April 15, 2016

beautyzone|Papaya Face Pack And Benefits

Papaya Skin Care- Papaya Face Pack And Benefits

Papaya Skin Care-

Papaya face pack is best to use in summers as it helps in removing tan and is considered to be the effective home-made facial mask.I use many market face packs which does add glow to the face but that is a temporary glow on the other hand  this face pack gives a glow that remains for long.
Before sharing your some of the benefits of papaya in skin care let me share you the papaya face mask recipe.
Step1 – Cut out one slice of papaya and cube it.

Step2 – Mash the papaya with a spoon and add 1tbsp. of sandalwood powder in it.

 Step3– Mix both the ingredients and apply the face all over your face and neck.Leave the mask for 20 minutes and wash it off with water.

Papaya Facial Benefits:-

This pack will suit almost all skin types especially oily skin .Sandalwood powder has medicinal properties where as papaya does  the cleansing part.When both are combined they give healthy skin and remove dead skin cells.

If your skin suffers from problem like rashes or you want to calm down acne then do try this pack.It works .

I like to keep the pack in the fridge for a while to make my skin feel cool and icy too

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Beautyzone|Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads on Face and Nose

Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads on Face and Nose

What are Blackheads?

Blackheads, also known as open comedones are tiny, dark spots that appear on the surface of your skin. Blackheads are blocked pores (hair follicles) in the skin that are filled with skin debris or keratin and sebum, an oily substance. Blackheads occur mainly on the face and nose and are a common problem among adolescents especially those with oily skin. Blackheads can be called first stage acne, before bacteria enters the clogged pores.

Common Causes of Blackheads

Here are the main causes that lead to blackheads-


* Hormonal changes
* Inheritance
* Unclean skin
* Cosmetics
* Smoking
* Alcohol
* Caffeine

Natural Tip to clear Blackheads

Follow these simple, natural tips to clean your pores and banish blackheads using easily available ingredients at home.

Tip 1:

Tomato have natural antiseptic properties that dry up blackheads. Take a small tomato, peeled and mashed, then apply it over the blackheads before going to bed. Leave overnight and then wash your face with clean water in the morning.

Tip 2:

Lemon is another natural ingredient that is effective in treating blackheads. Squeeze few drops of lemon juice in a bowl, add salt and stir the mixture well. Wash your face with warm water and apply the mixture on the blackheads. Leave for some 20 minutes and wash your face again with warm water.

Tip 3:

Apply a thin layer of toothpaste over the blackheads, leave for 25 minutes and wash your face gently with warm water. Repeat this remedy for two weeks to be free from blackheads.

Tip 4:

Honey has antiseptic properties that work wonders for both oily skin and blackheads. Apply honey onto the affected area and wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Tip 5:

Prepare a mixture of baking soda and water to make a paste. Apply gently to the affected part, allow to dry for few minutes and then rinse it off with warm water to remove away the oil and dirt that causes blackheads.

Tip 6 :

A mixture of oatmeal and yogurt  is good for the skin and helps banish blackheads. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of yogurt, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil to it, mix all these ingredients well till it forms a paste. Apply the mixture on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with cold water.

Tip 7:

 Raw eggs are an effective home remedy to get rid of blackheads. Beat one to two egg whites, mixed with one tablespoon of honey. Apply this mixture over the area of blackheads, leave for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Tip 8 :
Prepare a mixture of equal parts of cinnamon powder and lime juice to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the affected parts and leave on overnight and then wash off your face with warm water in the morning.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

beautyzone|How to Lighten Skin Naturally

How to Lighten Skin Naturally

Dark and dull skin can be caused by overexposure to the sun, environmental pollution, a medical condition, dry skin, stress, poor lifestyle choices, and prolonged use of chemical-based cosmetic products.

Many people work hard to achieve fair and flawless skin. The market is flooded with skin-lightening creams and lotions. But such products have harmful chemicals that can ultimately damage your skin. Oftentimes the products are expensive, too.

You can save yourself some time and money by using natural remedies that will effectively brighten and lighten your skin complexion.

1. Yogurt 

Yogurt, a by-product of milk, has many nutrients that are good for the skin. It also contains lactic acid that has bleaching properties. The following remedies are suitable for all skin types.

  • Gently rub plain yogurt onto your skin. Leave it on for a few minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily for several weeks to notice a significant change in your complexion.
  • Alternatively, mix one tablespoon of fresh yogurt with one-half tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your face and neck. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. Do this daily to improve your skin tone and complexion.
  • You can also add a little lemon juice and some oatmeal to yogurt to make a thick paste, and apply it

    2. Oranges

    The most important ingredient in skin care is vitamin C, which you can get in abundance from oranges. Plus, oranges have bleaching properties that can lighten your skin tone.
    It has been found that regular consumption of fresh orange juice can greatly improve the overall texture of your skin as well as its suppleness. To lighten your skin, oranges can be used in two different ways.
    as a face mask. This remedy will also help keep your skin supple and moisturized. 
  • Combine two tablespoons of orange juice and a pinch of powdered turmeric. Apply this mixture on your face and neck before going to bed. You can also apply it on your hands and legs. Wash it off after 20 to 30 minutes. Do this daily.
  • Grind dried orange peels into powder. Mix one tablespoon of the powdered peels with one tablespoon of plain yogurt to make a paste. Apply the paste on your skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it off with water. This will help lighten spots and other marks on your face. Do this once or twice a week, but no more than that.

    3. Gram Flour

    Gram flour is one of the best ingredients for people who wish to lighten their skin complexion. It contains various nutrients that help keep your skin very healthy. Using the remedy below every other day will help remove excess oil from your skin while retaining your skin’s natural moisture.
    1. Mix some gram flour with a small amount of water or rose water to make a thick paste.
    2. Apply it on your face, hands, and legs.
    3. Leave it on until the paste dries. Then wash it off with water.

    4. Honey

    Honey helps bleach skin while also acting as a moisturizing agent.Dry skin is a common factor that contributes to an uneven skin tone. Honey also has antibacterial properties that can help fade age spots and acne scars.
  • Apply pure honey to your face, leave it on for a few minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This simple remedy will help remove dead skin cells, making your skin appear brighter and fresher than before. Do this once daily.
  • To make a skin-lightening mask, combine one teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice, one tablespoon of powdered milk, and one-half teaspoon of almond oil. Mix them well and apply it gently on the skin. Leave it on for 10 to15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Do this every other day.

5. Lemons

The acidic property in lemons works as a natural bleaching agent for the skin and the high amount of vitamin C in them encourages new cell growth. Also, lemons have antioxidants that are very good for skin complexion.
  • Dip a cotton ball in freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it directly on your face. You can even rub a cut lemon directly over the affected skin and allow the juice to stick to the skin. Leave it on for at least an hour and then wash your face with water. Do this once daily. This simple remedy will surely lighten your skin complexion and can also prevent the development of scars on your face.
  • Mix three teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply this mixture on the skin and leave it on for half an hour. Wash it off with water. Do this once daily.
  • Alternatively, mix together one teaspoon each of lemon juice, powdered milk and honey. Apply it on your skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Do this daily or every other day.
Note: When using these remedies, be sure there are no open wounds on your skin. The acidic nature of lemon juice can cause pain in open wounds. Also, lemon juice may not be suitable for sensitive skin or if you are allergic to lemons.

6. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera can alleviate hyper pigmentation and restore your skin’s original color. Hyper pigmentation is one of the main causes of uneven skin tone.
Also, the cooling effect of aloe vera helps regenerate new cells and rebuild damaged tissue, which is important for healthy skin. This simple remedy using aloe vera gel can lighten dark spots and improve your overall skin complexion.
  1. Cut the outer layers of an aloe vera leaf. Squeeze out the thick, jelly-like substance.
  2. Apply the gel thoroughly on your skin.
  3. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, and then wash it off with water.
  4. Do this at least twice daily for two weeks.
If you do not have an aloe vera plant, you can buy aloe vera gel in the market.

 Follow these natural remedies to lighten your skin complexion. However, bear in mind that these are very effective but will take time and patience to achieve your desired goal. Also remember that healthy skin is as important as a beautiful skin tone. So, try to maintain healthy skin also.

Monday, March 21, 2016

beautyzone|Simple tips to do manicure at home

 Easy And Simple Tips To Do Manicure At Home

When you meet someone for the first time you shake hands. This is why hands are one of the first things people notice about you. In case you do not bother to take care of your nail and hands, then you must start doing it from today onwards. Remember that the first impression about a person goes a long way. So, in order to create a good impression about yourself, you must manicure your hands once in a while.

Most of us think that getting manicure treatments is an expensive deal, but in reality it is nothing like that. No need to take an appointment in the salon for manicure and spend money. You can do a manicure at your home without any assistance.

Believe it or not, doing a manicure at home is a great way to unwind your stress and it makes you feel good about yourself when your hands look. To do manicure at home you can buy a manicure set, and if you do not have one, there is nothing to worry about.

 You can collect the items included in a manicure set and make your own set.

Here are certain things you will need to do manicure at home:

  • A bowl with lukewarm water where you can dip your hands in
  • Cotton balls
  • Paper towels
  • Nail cutter
  • Nail filer
  • Buffer
  • Cuticle remover
  • Nail paint remover
  • Your favorite shade of nail paint
  • A flat board to place your hand on
  • Hand cream or moisturizing cream.
Collect all the things in one place and sit in a room where there is plenty of light.

Here is a step by step way to do manicure at home on your own.

Step 1# Remove the old nail paint:

Before you start with your manicure, you must take off the old nail paint from your finger nails. Use a good quality nail paint remover. Soak a cotton ball with some of the solution of the remover and gently rub it above your finger nails. If the nail paint is too old or there are too many coats of nail paint, it may take some time. Follow this step unless your fingernails are free from old nail paints. While using a remover, make sure that the solutions is used on the nails only and you are not touching the sensitive skin near the nails.

Step 2# Trim your nails:

Next you need to trim and file your nails to a length of choice. If you wish you can keep the length of your nails long or short but go for one in which you are comfortable. First trim the nails with the help of a sharp clipper or scissor. As for shape, you can keep it square or rounded depending upon your preference. Once the nails are cut take a nail filer and start filing your nails in one direction. Start from the edges and gradually move towards the top and you must not file your nails back and forth. Finally with the help of a soft buffer you need to make the surface of each nail smooth. Be careful because too much buffing with weaken your nails.

Step 3# Soak your hands:

Next you need to soak your hands in a bowl of soapy lukewarm water for around five to seven minutes. In the water, you can put a moisturizing soap or a tablespoon of your favorite liquid soap. This will help in making the cuticles soft and loosen up the dirt below your finger nails. Never use too hot water as it will dry out your hands and nails and also do not soak your hands for too long time. Once you soak your hands you will feel your fingers relaxed and your hands will feel comfortable. Finally wash your hands in fresh water and pat fry it using a soft towel or paper tissue.

Step 4# Remove cuticles:

Now apply good quality cuticle oil or moisturizing lotion on your hands thoroughly. If you do not have cuticle oil you can use olive oil also. This will help in nourishing and softening rough spots. Now take a cuticle remover and push back the cuticles one at a time so that it loosens up. Trim excess skin with the help of a cuticle nipper. Be sure not to cut your cuticles, which can cause infection and damage the nail. Do not put too much pressure as it can cause bleeding.

Step 5# Scrub your hands:

Now if you wish you can scrub your hands. This step is no mandatory and so if you do not have much time you can surely skip this step. Scrubbing will improve the blood circulation of your hands. To scrub your hands you can use your regular body scrub or else you can prepare a homemade scrub by mixing olive oil and salt or raw sugar together. You need to scrub your hands only for two to three minutes only. Too much scrubbing is not recommended. Do not scrub your fingers as it will remove the shine of your nails. Finally wash your hands and fingers thoroughly with fresh water and pat dry using a soft towel.

Step 6# Apply moisturizer:

Next apply some rich moisturizer on your hands. You can use any of your favorite moisturizer. Make sure the moisturizer is applied properly on your hands and cuticles. Gently massage your hands for a few minutes and you will enjoy the relaxing feeling on your hands. Finally you need to wipe away the excess cream or oil left on your hands or fingers with the help of a cotton cloth. While removing the moisturizer, you must avoid the cuticle area as this is one area which you need to keep well moisturized.

Step 7# Apply nail paint:

First apply a base coat on your finger nails and allow it to dry properly for one to two minutes. Then apply one thin coat of your favorite shade of nail paint. Always apply nail paint by starting on the side of the nail. Try to cover the nail in three even stokes, one on each side and one in the middle. After the first coat dries apply the next coat for more shine. Finish it with a top coat. Do not touch anything before your nails get completely dried. If you have the habit of habit of putting nail paints you can skip this step. After doing the manicure at home you can put nail paint after two or three days.

Important points:

  • Never use very hot water to immerse your hands in it as the heat can cause skin dryness.
  • Never use a tissue paper to remove your old nail paint as it will not absorb the remover properly and you will find it difficult to use.
  • Always use a brush having soft bristles as a hard brush can hamper the natural shine of your fingernails.
  • Never keep chipped nail paints for too long as it looks ugly.
  • At time you must keep your fingernails free of nail paint  to allow the nails to breath.
  • Keep your nail paints in a cool and dry place to increase their longevity.
  • Do not dry your nail paints using a blow dryer as the heat will cause the nail paint to expand.

You Might also want to try this Easy Homemade Manicure Scrub:

Recipe for Manicure Scrub:

  1. Take 3 teaspoon sugar.
  2. Mix 1 teaspoon olive oil in it.
  3. Now wet your hands.
  4. Apply this scrub on your hands and around the nails.
  5. Massage them well for about minutes in a  circular movement.
  6. Leave for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Rinse everything away with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel.

Final Words:

With the above mentioned tips you can get a manicure right at the comfort of your home. Now there is no need to go to salon and spend money on manicure when you can easily do it at home and that too without spending too much money. Do a manicure once a week to maintain the looks of your hands.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

beautyzone|Easy Remedies To Remove Sun Tan From Face

Home Remedies to Remove Sun Tan from Face

 Tanning makes your skin appear darker and discolored.It occurs when the skin gets exposed to harsh UVA
rays that penetrate to the lower layers of the epidermis and causes the skin to produce more melanin and thus leads to darkening.

 Melanin is a pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin.The more melanin the melanocytes produce the darker the skin appears.So, here are few natural remedies that you must try to remove those unpleasant sun tan, to reduce melanin and to lighten the skin complexion naturally.Here are some quick ways to Remove Sun Tan from Face & neck

Best Home Remedies to Remove Sun Tan from Face and Neck

1.Milk, Rice Powder and Honey Bleach –

 Mix 2 tsp of rice powder, 2 tbsp of cold milk and 1 tsp of honey into a fine paste.Clean your face and neck thoroughly and then apply.After 20 minutes, lightly scrub using your wet hands and then wash off with cool water.This pack acts like a natural skin lightening bleach cream.It fades away tan, eliminates dead skin cells and leaves your skin silky, smooth and fair.

 2.Potato juice and Yogurt – 

 Potatoes are most commonly known for their ability to lighten skin.It contains catecholase, an enzyme that treats spotted hyperpigmentation and discoloration caused by sun exposure and helps lightening your skin tone.Take a peeled potato and cut into slices or cubes.Grind this potato slices together with 2 tbsp of yogurt.Apply this freshly prepared paste on your face and neck, wash off after 15 minutes.It remove sun tan quickly and brightens skin color.

 3.Sandalwood Powder and Rose water –

 Sandalwood has a cooling effect on the skin.The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of sandalwood instantly calms down reddened or inflamed skin, sun rashes and eliminates tan.Mix 2 tbsp of sandalwood powder with enough rose water for a smooth consistency.Freeze it for 10 minutes and then apply this cold sandalwood paste.

 4.Cucumber and Lemon juice –

 Another effective way to get rid of sun tan quickly to apply a fresh paste of cold cucumber juice mixed with 2 tsp of lemon juice and then wash off after 10 minutes.Lemon juice is a great treatment for the tanned skin due to its natural skin bleaching properties and cucumber has an anti-inflammatory and cooling properties that instantly soothes sunburn skin.

5.Chilled Yogurt and Mint juice 

 It’s a simplest way to remove tan from your face and neck.Mix 3 tbsp of chilled yogurt with 2 tbsp of mint juice and with a cotton pad dab it on the affected area.Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash off with cool water.Yogurt’s lactic acid lightens skin tan and reduces pigmentation.Mint juice soothes inflammation and eases sun rash and sun burnt skin.

6.Aloe Vera and Rose water –

Remove sun tan with aloe vera. Fresh aloe vera gel is the magic cure for tanned skin.It is extremely powerful in minerals, vitamins, enzymes and nutrients that work effectively to treat different skin problems like rashes, sunburn, and skin discoloration.Combine 2 tsp of aloe vera gel with few drops of rose water.Freeze it for 10 minutes and then soak it up into your tanned skin.

 7.Oats and Honey Exfoliating Scrub –

 Make your own homemade anti-tan exfoliating creamy scrub.Take 2 tbsp of oats powder, add 1 tbsp of cold water and 2 tsp of honey.Mix it well and exfoliate your face and neck for 2 minutes and then wash off with cool water.This scrub works wonders, it gently exfoliates rough, sun-damaged cells and adds glow to your skin.

Friday, March 18, 2016

beautyzone|5 Instant Orange Peel Dry Powder Face Packs

5 Instant Homemade Face Packs Using Orange Peel Dry Powder

Orange is the delicious juicy fruit that has many health as well as beauty benefits. You can relish your taste buds with oranges alongside keeping a clear glowing skin. To get the most out of oranges all you need to do is collect their peels to make a dry powder. Even when oranges are out of season this dry orange peel powder complements its beauty benefits. As it is a dry powder so it can be stocked for 3-4 months in an air tight jar.

Being a citrus fruit Orange is abundantly rich in Vitamin C. This is one of the essential skin Vitamins as it slows ageing, removes tan and improves skin tone. Using orange peels, you can make various face packs that can also be used for mild exfoliation. These face packs/scrubs are very natural, devoid of all the chemicals and are rarely prone to cause skin irritations. So what are you waiting for, let’s start working on these instant face packs to get the most coveted skin

How to make orange peel powder

This is a one time job that will help in formulating various skin cures, and the result will last for a long time.
– Taken half dozen oranges and eat them :-) .
– Collect the peels and keep them in a wide tray.
– Dry the peels under sun for 3-4 days.
– Intermittently, keep shuffling them to get rid of the moisture.
– Once the peels are completely dried (they become crisp and break easily) crush them into small pieces.
– Grind the peels until they convert into a granular powder.
– Store the powder in an air tight container for prolonged survival.

Face Pack 1 

Ingredients required – 

1) Orange peel powder
2) Sandalwood powder
3) Rose water

Mix a spoon of sandalwood powder, a spoon of orange peel powder and 3-4 spoons of rose water. Mix them well, and apply on face and neck. Rinse with cold water when the pack gets semi dry. This pack thoroughly cleans the skin and makes it glow.

Face Pack 2 

Ingredients required –
1) Orange peel powder
2) Organic Honey
3) Lemon juice
4) Turmeric

Add one and a half spoon of honey to a spoon of orange powder and a few drops of lemon. Add a pinch of turmeric; I prefer to use raw turmeric. If your skin is dry then you can skip off lemon. Apply the pack on your face and neck for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water. When used over a period of time this pack removes sun tan.

Face Pack 3 

Ingredients required –
1) Orange peel powder
2) Green lentils powder
5) Almond oil

Grind a spoon of green gram to make fine powder. Mix it with a spoon of orange powder and a spoon of almond oil. Massage your face for a minute, and rinse with warm water.This works as a mild scrub that can exfoliate the skin naturally. Use it once or twice a week for naturally glowing skin.

Face Pack 4 

Ingredients required –
1) Orange peel powder
2) Chilled yoghurt or curd

Add a spoon of yoghurt to a spoon of orange peel powder. Mix it well and apply on your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water. If your skin is oily then you can also add few drops of lemon juice.This face pack removes sun tan and cures acne.

Face Pack 5 

 Ingredients required – 

1) Orange peel powder
2) Milk or milk cream
3) Rose water

Add a couple of spoons of milk to orange powder and rose water. Mix them well to get a wearable consistency. Apply this mixture and massage your face for a minute or so. Rinse with cold water. This serves as a good homemade skin cleanser. With consistent use it removes blackheads and dead skin cells from the skin, and slows down ageing.

Depending upon the results, these packs can be used every alternate day or twice a week. Sometimes when I apply these packs I feel a stinging sensation that calms down in a couple of minutes. Otherwise, I do not see any side effects or harmful effects of these homemade face packs. In fact with regular use my skin has become clearer, softer and even.